I am now a full on Kindle convert. I don't know how I survived without it. It has been especially awesome in the past month, since it feels like we'll never see grass again. Thanks to my birthday, I've got Amazon gift cards and I am NOT afraid to use them.
Yesterday I was pretty cranky. I was tired. I was done. Then I found out this book had been released, and I downloaded it. I started reading it right away.
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Collection of Kick Ass Mom Bloggers, compiled by Jen of PIWTPITT |
Jen from the award winning blog People I Want to Punch in the Throat (who is hilarious on her own AND who has a kick ass book of her own that I reviewed back in October) pulled together a team of 37 bloggers to put together a humor anthology. It's a group of hilarious moms who are willing to poke fun at themselves in the name of humor and sanity. They are a varied group. Some have one kid. Some have 5. Some have boys. Some have girls. Some have babies. Some have teenagers. Some live in the cities. Some live on farms. Some are deep in suburbia. Some work outside. Some don't.
They are all hilarious.
If you've read my blog since the beginning (thank you!) you know that I don't review anything unless I feel like it's worth it. I won't review books I don't like. I don't this space to be a negative one, so if I'm presented with an opportunity, and I don't feel strongly about it, I simply say "no, thank you" and move on.
This book is worth it. If you are a mom, have a mom, or may become a mom, you'll love it. Beware: there's some salty language in there. These moms left their filter off, and for some of them, that means uncensored language. I'm completely fine with that, but it's not for anyone who would immediately find it hard to "find the funny" when they're confronted with some four letter words.
In Jen's words,
I love my kids. Don't we all? But do you know what else I love? I also love all-day kindergarten and early bedtimes. I love Moms' Night Out and Date Night with the Hubs. But I especially love anything that gives me five minutes of uninterrupted peace to myself to JUST PEE ALONE.
Here are some of the topics you'll laugh at:
- Nudity - post kids
- Disney with toddlers
- Things you'll do to break the monotony
- Pregnancy and delivery stories
- Things to remember when you leave the house
- "Cougaring" up to go out
- Birth control after babies...and a priest...and why you'll need it begin with
- Charting baby poop
- Toy takeover (beware of those that talk)
- Bathroom conversations (slightly different from "potty mouth")
- Moving with kids - what NOT to do with yours while selling or buying
- Grocery club (I'm a member - and a proud one)
- Pinterest aspirations...and letdowns
- Baby 1, 2 and 3
- Parenting style disagreement - conversations NOT to have
- Man Sick
- What's normal, what's a tumor
- Parenting boys and parenting girls
- The need for a PA
- Mother's Day smackdown
- And of course...
- Potty training, breastfeeding, chauffering, and finding the humor in the everyday
I have absolutely zero concept of how anyone without a sense of humor can actually survive this task of raising a child, or for that matter, how a child can survive being raised by a bummer of a parent. When you're a mom, crazy shit happens every single day.....
...So you have to laugh.
I'm telling you, this book is worth the download (or the order from Amazon if you're a holdout like I was). Buy it, read it, and laugh. Laugh at what you relate to, laugh at what you hope you'll never relate to.
Someday, I hope to be a part of this group of mom bloggers. Who've taken a passion for writing, laughing, and sharing and created an amazing community that I'm thrilled to be on the fringe of. Until I meet my own goals, I'm reading every word I can find time for, and feeling like I have a virtual village of mom friends to help me find the light in every parenting corner.
Read it. You won't regret it.
I am giving away a copy of this book! I was not provided a copy, for this review or for the give away. But I feel like so many moms can benefit that I will spend money out of my own horrific mom purse to make sure at least one other reader gets laughs in her day. I will give away either a Kindle download OR a paper copy (if you are tablet free) or MAYBE both if I have enough entries! To enter, like my page on Facebook and leave a comment ON THAT PAGE telling me the funniest parenting moment you've experienced yourself, or through someone else. You can also comment telling me who your favorite mom writer is! Winner will be notified a week from tonight!