Monday, November 18, 2013

The Toddler Language Window

This evening all four of us were sort of dragging at dinner.

For one thing, I don't think any of us have quite adjusted to the time change yet. When it gets dark, Madison tells us it's time for bed. When it's light, you'll have a hard time convincing her that it's still early. She'd probably make a great farmer. And it's not just her - I've been tired in the evenings as well. We were at an event Saturday night, and at one point I checked my watch, certain it was late and we needed to leave...and it was 8:00. Right.

Anyway, the girls were up at the crack of dawn today and literally bouncing off the walls (and I do mean literally. They were chasing each other around, intentionally running into the walls, bouncing off, pratfalling, and repeat). They did nap, but not well. They were crabby and sleepy by the time we sat down to eat.

Adam and I weren't fountains of energy either. His grandmother died a few days ago, and although she had a long, full, 97 years of life, it's still a loss he's feeling pretty strongly - we both are, but obviously it's hitting him a bit harder. He's been pretty low energy. I've been trying to pick up some of that slack, which has been draining on me.

Anyway, whatever the reasons, we were all tired and cranky at dinner tonight, which means we got to use on of our favorite Madison-isms....kasausted.

In case you didn't figure it out, kasausted is Madison for exhausted. She's been saying it that way for a few months, and we love it too much to correct her.

It started one evening when she was having a major meltdown. Everything was bringing more tears to her eyes. Finally she collapsed on the floor, a mess after yet another tantrum and wailed, "I am just KASAUSTED".

And thus, our family dialect of "kasausted" was born. Whenever anyone looks tired or cranky, we ask if they're kasausted, tell them they look kasausted, or say that WE are kasausted.

I love it. I really do. It's authentic. It's us. In fact, if you try to prompt her to say it, she won't. She'll look at you like you're crazy. But when she's super tired, that's what she says. Love it.

And I love it more because I know it won't last forever. In fact, based on history, I think the days might be numbered.

Madison used to call popsicles "hops-ti-pops". We have no idea why, but it lasted a few months and we loved it. It was adorable.

Then one day, she started saying "popsicle". No more cute mispronunciation. One day it was there, the next it was gone. That toddler speak just vanished. Suddenly she wasn't speaking as a baby, she was speaking as a little girl.

I know kasausted won't last forever. One day she'll tell us she's exhausted, and roll her eyes when we try to get her back to it. You only get a small window where the language is understandable, adorably incorrect, and authentic. Baby talk isn't the same.

For now, no matter how tired we are, kasuasted levels of tired that we discuss with the three year old always make us smile. Best remedy ever.

What are some adorable mispronunciations that your kids use? How long do they last?
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