Here are the things I learned...
1) It does NOT take long for a two year old to pick up on what to do.
Madison had never been trick or treating before, but after one house, she was a pro, leading the way. She figured out quickly to say "trick or treat" and thanked people without being asked (sometimes 3 or 4 times if they didn't acknowledge the first "thank you" because they were focused on getting treats to the rest of the group).
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Notice she is alone. The rest of the group was way behind her. She was ALL about charging ahead. |
2) When trick or treating with four small children 3 and under, even a 1:1 ratio of child to adult may not be enough.
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Three adults were carrying children, Adam was carrying a prop from another costume. |
I'm not quite sure WHY that was, but it was true. Especially with trick or treat buckets and costumes that included props. Somehow, the toddlers were still running ahead.
3) I never realized how many people have a) multiple steps leading to their front doors and b) dogs until we went door to door with a two year old who is still learning to climb stairs without her hands and is afraid of barking.
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Because it was early, we were invited IN at many house. Nearly all these people had dogs. Madison was much happier when we stayed outside. |
4) It is REALLY hard to get a good picture of a baby and toddler in their costumes. I was holding Reagan in one arm and trying to take pictures with the other....while Madison spun in circles and ran around. Trying to get pictures ahead of time was impossible because Madison kept removing her headpiece and Reagan's kept falling over her eyes. Therefore, the majority of my pictures are blurry because Reagan was batting the camera or simply don't exist because I couldn't move fast enough. Oh well.
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We tried! |
5) There is a golden age where kids are cute enough to get away with being a little grabby. Thankfully, our kids were in that range. Every time someone held out a bowl and said "go ahead, take one or two" and we lunged to prevent them from grabbing multiple handfuls, the homeowner just laughed and said some variant of "awwww...". That window will close soon, so I hope these kiddos enjoyed it!
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Completely adorable. |
6) One girl can go all night....
7) And the other will fold early....
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We just wanted her to make it inside the house. Nope. |
8) Even when limited to one piece of candy for eating, somehow Madison will still become completely wired and not fall asleep until TWO hours after her usual bedtime.
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She ate ONE KitKat and was tearing around the house! |
9) EVERY toddler and baby costume comes with some sort of head covering. Which can become problematic.
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Poor Piglet |
We had one who couldn't hear, one who couldn't see, one who kept removing hers, and one who was completely fine with it. I guess one out of four isn't bad!
10) No matter what, it's important to count your blessings. Many, many towns on the East Coast were still facing massive devastation, clean up, and lack of electricity from the hurricane. Halloween amusement was the furthest thing from their minds. They would have loved to be out with a sleeping Piglet and a running Pooh.
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This was a pretty massive tree that missed our house by about 2 feet. But it didn't hit, and honestly we were very lucky. |