Friday, June 20, 2014

Custom Design

This post was sponsored by Wal-Mart, but all lustful thoughts about beautiful living spaces are my own.

Read any home or women's magazine. With just a little bit of time and creativity, you can create a custom design in your home on a budget. Warm, clean, inviting. It doesn't have to be challenging.

Well, not to brag, but our home has been custom designed as well.

By preschoolers.

I mean, all you need to do is walk into our home and you can pin point the design inspiration. Soft, brown leather couches with a touch of sticky residue from little fingers. Rich, stained coffee tables covered in handprints and stickers. Floors that I don't even want to talk about (the previous owners had two toddlers and a dog, and then WE had toddlers, and we haven't managed to replace them yet). They are awful. People walk into our house and we immediately start apologizing.

Toys are a focal point of our living room. Baby gates still take our open plan home and close it off. If Madison had her way, all the colors would be purple and pink, with plenty of sparkles.

In short, you probably won't be asking me to help decorate your home. Unless you're into fingerprints, or glitter paint.

Now that the girls are growing up, at least a little, I'm starting to lust over clean lines and fresh colors and texture that wasn't created by tracking in little bits of hardened Play-Doh from the kitchen. I just added some color to the master bath, and I finally replaced our bedding, and that's left me hungry for more.

People send me articles, like this one, and I realize that this beautiful design is easily available. I don't have to go to any sort of snooty shop, or pay a fortune for each little piece. This gorgeous stuff is available at WAL-MART. at that, so I don't even have to find time to get to the store. Adam and I can scroll through the warm&inviting by Libby Langdon collection, looking at area rugs and throw pillows and saying things like "as soon as Reagan stops peeing on the floor we can get that" and "someday we'll get all these toys and the baby gate out of the living room and we can set out breakable objects!"

The designer of the collection is Libby Langdon, and she says, “I’m so excited to be offering my new warm&inviting collection on! Great colors, patterns and textures all at fantastic price points and wonderful quality in pillows, poufs, rugs and throw blankets!   I was thrilled to be able to work on a collection for and present the styles and looks they were missing that my makeover TV and private design clients repeatedly ask for.  It was also important for me to take some of the guesswork out of the design process for shoppers and show how to use the various accessories together to get a designer look in their own homes... for a lot less!  We all want super values for our homes and to live in rooms that make us feel happy; my warm&inviting collection for does just that!  I cannot wait for people to see my's another reason is becoming a go-to destination for great design!”

New floors are in the plans. New doors are in the plans. We probably have a year or so left on baby gates, and not too much longer before all toys have homes that are not in our main living area.

No, I am not naive enough to think that there will never be toys in the living room. But they won't always be STORED there.

Until then, I look, I lust, and I dream of custom design.

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