I may be a bit of an over-preparer.
Over the last
few weeks, I've been getting our homeschool curriculum ready to start at
the end of the month. We do "school lite" over the summer - basic
workbooks, all review, and plenty of reading to keep everything primed -
and fill our days with summer sports, pool time, and plenty of lazy
afternoons in the shade. Our official "school year" ends in June, and
I'm usually a mess by then. Rather than deal with it, I start fresh in
mid-August with a purge and renewed system.
This year, I
realized that during all my "I need to prepare to have two kids
schooling so I can't throw anything away" purchasing, which I'd spread
all over the family room, that I was way over prepared. In fact, I
finally realized why people's eyes went so wide. I could have instructed
a whole group of preschoolers, kindergarteners, and first graders.
I'm the mom who has the scissors and tape in her purse. The bag is huge and bulging, but I can take care of business.
the mom who not only has napkins, but plastic forks, spoons, straws,
and cups in the car. I take my ribbing, but no one ever says no when
they find themselves short.
I'm the mom who has a
basement pantry full of cereal, soup, sauces, crackers, juice, and and
snacks. My shelves are so stuffed that I need to carefully watch the
expiration dates to make sure we're not eating chips from seven years
ago, but I can pull a dinner together when I haven't been to the store
in weeks.
I know, I'm over prepared. Clothes, food, supplies, books - I'm ready for everything. My car is stocked for every season.
just did my purge of school supplies, the girl's clothes, and I checked
my expiration dates on the food. Summer is still here, so my car is
ready for whatever the weather may throw at us.
I like being prepared, and it's worth the teasing!