Tuesday, September 24, 2019

I Admit it - I'm A Full Dance Mom Now

I really didn't like calling myself a dance mom, especially when it was said in such a laughing way by my friends who don't have kids who dance. I'd swear that "dance mom" was all a stereotype, and I was basically the same as any mom with kids in an activity.

But it's time to look at the facts. 

This year marks Madison's sixth year as a competition dancer, and Reagan's third. Madison is entering her EIGHTH year of dance class, and Reagan is starting her fifth.

We are at the studio 4-7 days a week, and schedule the rest of our lives around those times.

I factored "can we fit two competition bags into the trunk" and "how many kids can I carpool to dance class" into my car purchase.

The girls will be entering FOURTEEN dances (between the two - not each) into five different competitions this year, participating in three or four conventions, and are dancing in six or seven different styles.

We are spending an obscene amount of money between tuition, private lessons, entry fees, costumes, "gear" and conventions. So much that I'm scouring each invoice thinking, "there has GOT to be a mistake".

I have become the unofficial go to person for new moms at our studio about what they'll need, how to do things, how to navigate competition. I'm the one with the answers. Should they buy a dream duffel? What's the deal with make up? Is this convention worth it?

I make garment bag labels for all the girls on the team.

I really don't think I can deny it any more. I'm not just the mom of a kid who dances.

Because I've been asked questioned so much, I decided that I'm not going to downplay this part of our lives anymore, and I'm going to start writing about it regularly, covering the basics, the best hacks I've figured out so far, and the scary (OMG, it costs WHAT to have two kids in dance?).

Will anyone read it? Maybe, maybe not.

But I've accepted it as part of who I am, and that means I'm ready to share!

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