Monday, November 9, 2015

Potty Training is a Process

Potty training. One of the great rites of passage for parenthood. No matter what kind of kid you have, it's not a stage you look back on with fondness.

Thanks to Charmin for sponsoring this post. But as always, my experiences, stories and opinions are mine alone.

Reagan was my last kid to potty train. As potty trainers go, she was pretty easy. Some of this was because she is incredibly stubborn. As counter intuitive as that sounds, it meant that she refused to participate whatsoever until she decided she was ready, but once she was, she was going to see this thing through.

So that first hurdle? Losing the diapers? That was easy. Ok, maybe not easy, but easyish. 

Then, as I found with Madison, that's only stage one of the process.

Sure, she stayed dry. But now we had to worry about staying dry and clean. Clean hands, clean potty, and clean tush. Because teaching a toddler to wipe and wash is another beast entirely.

 Next paragraph here.Potty training. One of the great rites of passage for parenthood. No matter what kind of kid you have, it's not a stage you look back on with fondness.

Reagan was my last kid to potty train. As potty trainers go, she was pretty easy. Some of this was because she is incredibly stubborn. As counter intuitive as that sounds, it meant that she refused to participate whatsoever until she decided she was ready, but once she was, she was going to see this thing through.

So that first hurdle? Losing the diapers? That was easy. Ok, not easy, but easyish. 

And, as I found with Madison, that's only stage one of the process.

Sure, she stayed dry. But now we had to worry about staying dry and clean. Clean hands, clean potty, and clean tush. Because teaching a toddler to wipe and wash is another beast entirely.

Going from a thorough wiping from mom on the changing table to regular toilet tissue can be an adjustment for a little one. It's a different experience and one that they can dig their heels in about, especially if you have a stubborn kid like I do. When you're on this stage of potty training, it's time to go for the good stuff. The soft, cuddly, teddy bear stuff. The Charmin.

Charmin is available at Sam's Club for a limited time with 1000 extra sheets in each pack. The girls and I took a trip there to stock up on the good stuff.

As we walked around Sam's, we found that they have plenty of the tools that we used to make potty training easier. The big bags of treats to use as little incentives (we used m&ms), plenty of juice boxes, and of course, the exciting prize for finishing the journey.

It's a big milestone! Definitely worthy of a treat.

While we were there, naturally, we had to make a stop in the rest room.

Prepare for potty stops on the go. You can't be in the process with a fear of public restrooms!

At home, we have a step stool so that the girls can wash their hands on their own. It's nice to see that some stores have lower sinks as well.

Big tips for potty training? Wait until they're ready and eager to participate. Let them pick out their own big kid underwear. Salty snacks and plenty of juice give you plenty of opportunity for practice. Incentives, big and small are worth their weight in gold. Finding ways to help them take ownership of the cleaning process (soft Charmin helps here!). And if all else fails...

...make a stop here on your way out.

Share your potty training tips and tricks for a chance to win a $50 Sam's Club gift card!

$50 Sam's Club Gift Card Giveaway for Charmin  photo mediumsignature_zpsbff01a79.png
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