Young kids are creatures of habit. With my girls, it does take some easing to get them ready for the next season. It may be chilly, but if they have shorts and t-shirts in their drawers, they'll show up for breakfast ready for summer and asking if the pool is still open.
1. Make sure you have the right gear for the rapidly changing weather.
Rain boots. Snow boots. Warm pants (fleece lined leggings are a new favorite for all of us). Mittens. One of my least favorite parts of fall is realizing that it's cold enough for mittens just as it's time to get in the car for preschool. Once the calendar says fall, we move the cold weather gear from the attic to the coat closet. And although it might feel nice to pull all those nice fall outfits out, don't put all the warm weather clothes away. Layers are key - especially when you're dropping off a preschool kid in 36 degree weather, and picking her up in 70 degree weather.
2. Have kids help with the fall clean up.
My girls do best when they feel like we're all working together. They can help rake out beds, put away summer toys, and plant bulbs.
3. Stay safe.
Visibility is definitely different on the roads, so although drivers need to be prepared, kids need to be prepared too. When the girls are riding bikes and playing outside, we definitely make them aware that it may be tough for cars to see them.
4. Prepare for daylight savings.
I'm an adult and I still have trouble getting my body clock reset. When Madison was about fifteen months, she seemed to sail through the time change and I semi-gloated about it on Facebook. Then she proceeded to have issues with bedtime and morning and overtiredness for a few weeks while her body clock adjusted and I ate my words. In the fall, time change time means that I prepare myself for a few early mornings until their body regulates. Right now, the girls are waking up around 7, so I need to start preparing for them to be up around 6 for a week or so, and we'll compensate for that lost hour by having rest time in the afternoons and keeping their bedtime consistent with the wake up, rather than the clock and slowly getting it back to normal.
5. Have FUN!
Fall is so much fun. Pumpkins, apples, baking, leaves - it's a great time to be a kid. Do all the fun and cliched things, and get plenty of gorgeous pictures!