I thought a catchy title would play on paper or plastic, but I wasn't sure what iPhones were made of. So I spent the first fifteen minutes of this post on my iPhone, searching for "what are iPhones made of?", and, ready, writing notes down on the notebook next to my laptop. Somehow, that research is a perfect fit.
I'm definitely a person of contractions.
On one hand, I am a huge fan of our big family calendar, paper planners, notebooks, and my new bullet journal. I'm a dinosaur when it comes to certain organizational things. I love my paper stuff, and I swear, I remember things better when they're written down.
On the other hand, I'm new iPhone convert and I love that there is an app for pretty much EVERYTHING. Want to check in on my headaches and see if they really ARE weather related? There's a headache tracker app. Stressed? There's a mediation app.
So I'm a fun enigma. Probably a true Xennial - more comfortable with paper, but just blown away by all the things technology can do.
We have a dance trip coming up, and Adam was laughing at me. I had to call to book the hotel (though to be honest, this annoyed me. I would have much rather booked online, but I needed to call to get the group rate) and I printed out all the confirmations. But then I downloaded some road trip apps to make sure our journey is stress free, because I am definitely not dealing with paper on the road.
I'm never without my phone...but I'm never far from paper either.
I love to find new, great apps to make my life easier. I love to buy notebooks and pens to make my lists prettier.
I love to have all my music, audiobooks, and podcasts on my phone, in my reach. But I have a giant stack of books that I'm going to read NOT on my iPhone.
I have people who laugh at me from both camps, but honestly, that's my sweet spot. I can be happy balancing my technology with my pretty paper, and know that I'm always organized and prepared!